
Established 1976


Project Management Services

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Inouye Audio Concepts Corporation ("IAC") provides end-to-end electronic design and project management services for new product development ("NPD"), including technology R&D, prototyping, business-requirements analysis, evaluation and planning, and deployment and support through a collaborative process, for your product development.

This collaborative process includes:

  1. Proposed concept generation (the idea is described in detail);
  2. Concept criteria and screening (build-cost analysis, and product sales opportunities evaluated);
  3. Preliminary product specifications (detailed definitions of features-to-benefits, based on the proposed product positioning/price-point);
  4. Preliminary product R&D and testing (realization of first physical prototype and design review);
  5. Final product definition and testing (lab analysis and implementation of performance/satisfaction feedback);
  6. Target market strategy development (MarComm strategy); and,
  7. Commercialization (product launch).